We are pleased to announce our Fall Online Plant Sale on October 24-25, 2020 (midnight-midnight), with in-person pickup at the Gardens entrance on November 5 and 6. For the first time, Friends of the UCRBG members will receive a 10% discount on all plant purchases. Join or renew your Friends membership before October 19, 2020...
The UCR Botanic Gardens are now open! To ensure the safety, security, and health of our staff, volunteers, and visitors, hours are currently limited to Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. until 12 noon, with masks and physical distancing required. The UCR Botanic Gardens reopened on June 29 following approval of a rigorous reopening plan that...
The UCR Botanic Gardens were thriving from July 2019 through mid-March 2020, when the Coronavirus pandemic caused the closure of UCR and other schools. On March 16 the Gardens were closed and all programs and activities were cancelled, with only essential staff allowed to work on-site. This article reviews our year and summarizes our budget...
As we transition from summer to fall there are two trees on our recommendation list, Aesculus californica (California buckeye) and Koelreuteria bipinnata (golden rain tree) that make a showy display. California buckeye is adapted to Mediterranean climates and is summer deciduous while golden rain tree is winter deciduous. Photo 1: Aesculus californica, California buckeye In...