UCR Botanic Gardens (c) Ilse Ungeheuer

Photography Policy


Photography Policy

Our staff works hard to maintain a beautiful setting for your casual and special event photos. Because we are largely self-funded, admission donations and photo shoot fees enable us to recover some of our costs for staffing, maintenance, and operation.

We welcome personal photography of plants and nature and hope you will share your photos with others to enjoy. Individual photographers are not charged a fee, but we encourage you to make an admission donation at the Gardens entrance.

Due to heavy demand for photo shoots, we require advance permission and charge a fee for all photography sessions and limit the number permitted to three per day on select days of the week- Thursdays, Fridays, and 1st & 3rd Sundays. This ensures the Gardens are available, avoids scheduling conflicts with other activities, reduces impact on other visitors, and covers some of our costs. Please review the Gardens events calendar prior to submitting a request. 

Photographers are charged $25; each person in the group is charged $5 regardless of age up to a maximum of 20 persons, including the photographer. Due to limitations of space, staff, and hours, larger groups may not assemble in the Gardens. In the event a scheduled photo shoot needs to be rescheduled, the payment will roll over; no refunds. 

To schedule a group photo shoot, please read our Photography Policy below, submit the online Request a Photo Shoot form below, and once approved use the Pay Online link to pay the fee. 

Those arriving without advance permission and fee payment will not be admitted and should schedule a photo session online using the forms below. 


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