Friends of the UCR Botanic Gardens Memberships
Join or Renew Today!
Online Application Mail-in Application (PDF)
Be a Friend ...
... and contribute to the mission of the UCR Botanic Gardens. Formally established in 1980, the mission of the Friends is to provide support for the development and maintenance of the Gardens. Through funds accrued from annual membership dues the Gardens have been enhanced, unique collections have been expanded, and enriching experiences are provided for students of ages 3rd grade and older. The UCR Botanic Gardens today would not be possible without the enthusiasm and support of the Friends. Become a Friend and help make a difference!
UCRBG Membership Benefits (Student $20 and Individual $50) include:
- Free Admission
- Discounted and members-only Gardens educational events
- 10% discount on plants at plant sales and shopping at members-only plant sales
- Receipt of our eNews and quarterly digital UCRBG Newsletter
- 10% discount at participating local nurseries and garden centers
- Use of UCRBG Horticultural Library
- Special admission privileges and discounts at 360+ botanic gardens and arboreta in North America through the American Horticultural Society's (AHS) Reciprocal Garden Network (local visitor exception)
Become a Member - Pricing
Annual Membership levels and dues:
Student |
Individual |
Family |
Sustainer |
Benefactor |
Patron |
$20 |
$50 |
$75 |
$150 |
$500 |
$1,000 |
Receipt of UCRBG Newsletter in print form:
$20 |
UCR Faculty/Staff receive 10% discount with code FS10
Gift Memberships available!
The UC Riverside Foundation is a California non-profit, public benefit corporation organized for the purpose of encouraging voluntary private gifts, trusts and bequests for the benefit of the University of California, Riverside. Responsibility for governance of the Foundation, including investment of gifts and endowments, is vested in its Board of Trustees. A portion of a gift may be used to support administrative costs. Unless otherwise indicated, no goods or services are provided in exchange for a gift. Please save gift documents for your taxes. For additional information, please contact: Gift Administration, University of California, Riverside, PO Box 5068, Riverside, CA 92517-5068, Tel. 951-827-3486,
Membership Benefits
Free Admission
Friends members enjoy free admission to the UCR Botanic Gardens
Discounted events
Discounted and members-only Gardens educational events
10% Discount on plants
10% discount on plants at plant sales and shopping at members-only plant sales
UCRBG Newsletter
All Gardens members receive our eNews and quarterly UCRBG Newsletter. At the Basic and Family membership levels, print copies of the Newsletter may be added for $20 per year, which covers the cost of production and printing. Higher membership levels may select to receive the newsletter at no additional charge.
Discounts at local nurseries and garden centers
Members receive a 10% discount at participating local nurseries and garden centers in Riverside and the Inland Empire.
- Bonnett Irrigation, 3230 Madison Street, Riverside, CA 92504, (951) 688-2100
- Louie’s Nursery, 16310 Porter Avenue, Riverside, CA 92504, (877) 568-4425
- Paradise Garden Center, 7109 Dufferin Avenue, Riverside, CA 92504, (951) 789-0386
- Parkview Nursery, 4377 Chicago Avenue, Riverside, CA 92507, (951) 784-6777
- Parkview Nursery, 3841 Jackson Street, Riverside, CA 92503, (951) 351-6900
Use of the UCRBG Horticultural Library
The Schneider House Office houses a curated Horticultural Library that is available for use by members. Books on a diversity of horticultural subjects, plant species, and gardens around the world are included. The library houses many older classic editions, and newer acquisitions are continually being added.
Gardens educational events
Friends at the Sustainer, Benefactor and Patron levels receive discounts at Gardens events including lectures, workshops, Bird Walks, and Twilight Tours. A members-only annual meeting and reception is held each June where the State of the Gardens Address is presented and other business is conducted. These are all fun, informal, and informative events with opportunities for socializing with other members and guests over tasty refreshments while learning more about the Gardens.
American Horticultural Society (AHS) Reciprocal Garden Network
The UCRBG is an institutional member of the American Horticultural Society (AHS). A Friends membership entitles you to the benefits of participating in the AHS Reciprocal Garden Network, which gives you free or discounted admission and other discounts at 360+ gardens and arboreta throughout North America (local visitor exception). The AHS Reciprocal Garden Network Directory can be viewed and downloaded at their website at
Exclusive and special VIP Gardens events
Members at the Benefactor and Patron levels will receive invitations to exclusive Gardens events and receptions such as a behind-the-scenes presentation and tour of new installations and areas not yet open to the public.
Annual Meeting for Members
Friends members are invited each June to attend the Members-only Annual Meeting and reception, hosted by the Director and Gardens staff, where they are presented with an overview of the past year in the UCR Botanic Gardens illustrated by beautiful photos of the Gardens. New garden installations, facility improvements, educational and outreach activities, and fundraising events are reviewed, along with a budget summary including a recap of how membership and donor funds have been used. Future goals, including short and long term plans, are presented as well. Members are invited to ask questions and engage in meaningful discussions with the Director and staff about the future direction of the UCR Botanic Gardens. A reception catered by a local vendor accompanies the event.