To purchase UCR Botanic Gardens branded merchandise please click Pay Online on the website. Please allow 3 days between ordering and in-person pickup. In person pick up: BG Entrance Thursdays 9am-12pm and open Sundays 9am-12pm. Contact Nancy Cullen for inquiries or call 909-553-0689. 1 Botanic Gardens Dr. Riverside, CA 92507
Bring your young ones for Storytime in the Gardens at 10am on the 1st Sunday of the month, May - October. Look for our docents seated on a bench in the Temperate Deciduous Forest who are eager to read aloud. We hope you will join us!
Join us for a NEW FORMAT Around the Gardens : Bird Walk on Sunday, April 6th! Please arrive in the Gardens by 6:50 am for the Bird Walk beginning at 7:00 am led by birding experts. Register by 4/4/2025: select member events or non-member events, select Bird Walk. Bring your water bottle, walking shoes, and...
Join Master Gardener Docents in the Butterfly Garden to learn about Gardening for Butterflies including the life cycle of butterflies and which plants to choose to attract butterflies. Stop by April - October, 1st & 3rd Sundays, between 9am and noon. Attendees can utilize UCR parking Lot 13 Blue unreserved without a virtual permit for...
Join us in the Gardens on April 6, 2025 & May 4, 2025 from 9am-12pm for Pop Up Shops featuring branded merchandise, houseplants, succulents, and Gardens-propagated plants. Friends of the UCRBG members will receive a 10% discount on plants at the Pop Up Shops! Attendees can utilize UCR parking Lot 13 Blue unreserved without a...
If you are interested in outdoor art and learning what a Story Map is, check out this interactive Story Map of the art displayed on the UCR campus including the Botanic Gardens. stories/ ee8449bf6ece46328df18ab8ee185a 55
The Botanic Gardens has abundant wildlife but myths abound about unseen creatures, including mountain lions (which have never been documented in the Gardens). Read more in this story by UCR's Norm Ellstrand: https://www.raincrossgazette. com/of-chupacabras-and- coyotes/?ref=the-daily- gazette-newsletter
Join us in the Botanic Gardens on Saturday, March 8, 2025 from 10am - 12pm for a Driftwood Succulent Planter Workshop! $45/members and $55/non-members. Register your attendance online today! Note: add your name to the wait-list in the event a registered attendee cancels-
Thank you for considering the UCR Botanic Gardens for your special photo shoot. Due to high demand for photo shoots, the Botanic Gardens require advance permission and charge a fee for all photography sessions, with limited numbers (3) permitted on select days of the week- Thursdays, Fridays, and open Sundays. Photographers are charged $25; each...
The UCR Botanic Gardens has numerous registered volunteers who make upkeep and improvements to our Gardens possible and assist with many other activities. Volunteers are actively engaged and indispensable to the Gardens in the following areas: Horticulture and Landscape (weeding, pruning, landscape work) Visitor Services (Garden Steward to staff the gate, docent to lead tours...
Join us on January 5, 2025, 1-3 pm for a free Rose Pruning Demonstration in our Rose Garden. Botanic Gardens staff, volunteers and local experts will demonstrate how to prune hybrid tea, floribunda, miniature roses and climbers. Come out and learn how to take care of your roses and you may even win a raffle...
On November 2, 2024 from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm the UCR Botanic Gardens will host an outreach event where curated items from local artisans will be for sale. Come spend a pleasant day strolling through Alder Canyon, where California artists and craftspersons are showcased representing a variety of media including watercolors, ceramics, jewelry, mosaics...
Welcome to CNAS Stories, the interview series that delves into the fascinating world of the UC Riverside College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences, a.k.a. CNAS! In this series, we bring you the stories behind the brillant minds, groundbreaking research and incredible achievemnts within our college. CNAS Stories Podcast: S1E1 CNAS Stories Podcast: S1 E1 -...
The UCR Botanic Gardens hosts plant sale events throughout the year offering plants propagated from our own unique collection. We sell horticultural and native plants, cacti and succulents, patio and house plants, water-efficient plants, colorful landscape trees, and numerous pollinator-attracting species. Our plants are well suited for the climate of our inland Southern California region...
Friends members, join us for a complimentary Twilight Tour in the Botanic Gardens on Saturday, September 28, 2024 (rescheduled from 9/7/2024) from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Refreshments will be provided following the tour to enhance the experience. The RSVP link will be provided via email on which you can register your attendance by 9/26/2024. Please...
Join us in the Botanic Gardens September 23-27 for special Welcome Week activities! For additional details contact UCRBG Visitor Services Coordinator. 9/23/2024- 9:30 am - 10:30 am. Docent led tour for students 9/24/2024- 8:00 am - While supplies last. Plant Giveaway for students. Limit 1 per individual 9/25/2024- 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Pop-Up Shop...
Master Gardener docents are available in the Butterfly Garden on the first and third Sunday of the month April-October, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, to answer questions about Gardening for Butterflies including the life cycle of butterflies and which plants to choose to attract butterflies. Join us in the Butterfly Garden!
Join us on August 17th from 6:00 - 8:00 pm when Gardens staff and docents lead after-hours Twilight Tours of the Botanic Gardens. This will be a nice opportunity to enjoy the Gardens in the cool of early evening as the sun is setting and wildlife is beginning to stir. Light refreshments will be served...
Join us in person on May 5, 2024 from 9am-12pm for a plant Pop Up Shop featuring houseplants, succulents and butterfly garden plants. In addition, UC Master Gardener docents will be available in the Butterfly Garden to answer questions about Gardening for Butterflies! We hope to see you in the Butterfly Garden on Sunday, May...