Meeting Room
The UCRBG Meeting Room and patio are used for official Gardens activities and programs, including lectures, workshops, member events, and special events such as plant sales and fundraisers. The Meeting Room may be also rented by UCR and outside groups whose purpose is compatible with the mission of the UCR Botanic Gardens and must be approved by the Director. In order to protect our collection and facilities, the Gardens lawn is not available for rental, nor do we permit private events, parties, weddings, or receptions at this time. Currently, the Meeting Room is not available for rent on Saturdays or closed Sundays.
The Meeting Room is suitable for groups of ~50-60. This space includes a small but complete kitchen and a closet containing (16) 6' rectangular and (12) 60", (55) 40", & (18) 30" round tables and (73) folding chairs available for use during events. A ceiling-mounted screen is available for use, but media equipment must be provided by the users (projector not included). Two small restrooms are located in the entrance gatehouse across the driveway from the Meeting Room. Both are unisex, single-use facilities and one is ADA accessible.
All vehicles parked on campus are required to have a valid parking permit at all times.
Rental Cost
- $35/hr during business hours (Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM) with a two-hour or $70.00 minimum
- $87/hr after business hours (after 5:00 PM Monday-Friday and open Sundays) with a two-hour or $174.00 minimum
- $87/hr weekdays and open Sundays with a two-hour or $174.00 minimum
To inquire about availability, please submit the REQUEST TO RENT form.