
UCR Botanic Gardens Giving Tuesday

By UCR Botanic Gardens |

About The Conservatory

The UC Riverside Botanic Gardens team is developing a new interactive exhibit space designed to engage and educate visitors about the diversity of the Plant Kingdom. Living plants on display will showcase plant evolution from the earliest land plants to highly evolved flowering plants. Among the display will be beautiful plants and those that play an important role to humans. A water feature will help sustain a humid microclimate and support special plants requiring wet conditions to survive. The center of the space will be used for display of rotating themed exhibits, such as unique specimens in bloom or conservation species on loan. An interactive GIS Story Map has been developed to enhance the visitor experience and Interpretive signage will be included. 

$10,000 will build and complete The Conservatory at the UC Riverside Botanic Gardens! Funds will be used for design and installation of the water feature, purchase of materials (stones, gravel, bark) to display and disguise pots, procurement of some plant specimens not currently in the collection, replace the heater, and add new ductwork to improve the overall microclimate inside. 

The UCR Botanic Gardens is UCR’s living museum, public garden, and nature oasis nestled in an urban environment. Our activities advance our mission of serving as a focal point for campus and community engagement in the science of nature, gardens, and conservation. We strive to create a physical place where our visitors experience nature and are inspired to protect our natural world. 

Your tax-deductible gift to the Botanic Gardens is an investment in our future and will ensure that visitors connect with nature, discover the joys of gardening, and learn about the importance of conservation. 

UCR Botanic Gardens Facts:

·         Over 8,000 visitors enjoy the gardens per month (students, community members, and school groups)

·         Over 3,000 customers shop at the Fall Garden Market and Plant Sale 

·         The Gardens are a registered Wildlife Habitat 

·         The Gardens are home to three Rose Gardens containing over 600 rose varieties

·         Our volunteers log thousands of hours of work per year

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