
Little Miss Stinky

Corpse Plant
corpse plant

July 19th update: Big news!! At long last our 22-year old corpse flower, Little Miss Stinky, is ready to bloom. We hope you will make time to come see it in the next few days since it is growing ~2 inches per day and flowering will occur very quickly. This plant is an endangered tropical species, native to Sumatra, that produces the largest inflorescence (cluster of flowers) in the world. Little Miss Stinky is on the small side but we’re hoping for a big bloom!

July 22nd update: Little Miss Stinky is taking her time to open so we are on daily watch! Watch the live video feed on the CNAS YouTube page

July 24th update: Stunning (and stinky)! The Corpse plant is blooming! Visit the Botanic Gardens 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM today!

Read the Inside UCR article.

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